• In an environment with radio frequency
interference, the product may malfunction
and require user to reset the product.
“YES” will enable you to proceed to setting the
date. Remember, speak clearly.
NOTE: If the journal does not understand what
you said for the 2nd time, you will hear “See ya
later” and your journal will go to sleep. To wake
it up and continue to set the clock you will
need to press wake button.
Light -
Once you have set the time, you'll be prompted
to set the date.
Your journal will ask you “Do you want to set
the date”, to which you should reply “Yes” or
“No”. If you answer “No”, your journal will then
prompt you to set your alarm.
Show – Press the “Light” button while in the
Show mode and light your page.
Step 1. The journal will ask you the year, so
you will hear “What year is it? please enter one
number at a time, wait for the beep”. You will
then enter the year as individual numbers,
again waiting for a beep to sound after each
number before you say the next one, for exam-
ple 2005 would be entered as “2” (beep) “0”
(beep) “0” (beep) “5” (beep).
Glow – Press the “Light” button while in the
“Glow” mode and UV light will reveal your secrets.
Wake: Press this button to wake up the voice
command functions (SEE USING VOICE COM-
MANDS) after they have timed out.
Model 77006
Ages 6 and up
Step 2. The journal will ask “What month is it?”
You need to speak clearly the name of the
month (January - December). Once you have
told the journal what month it is, you will then
be asked to enter the date: “What day is it?
please enter one number at a time, wait for the
beep”. This needs to be entered as a 2 digit
code and you have to wait for a beep to sound
after the first digit before you say the second,
for example if the date is the 12th, you would
enter “1” (beep) “2”. If the date was the 8th,
you would enter “0” (beep) “8”.
Access Button: Press and hold the access but-
ton to enter and open your journal.
P/N 823A6100 Rev.C
After installing the batteries, you will be
prompted to “Please enter your password”.
Wait for the green “Access” light to turn ON,
then say your chosen password in the micro-
phone. Your password can be any word of your
choice, such as “cat”, “popcorn” or “flower”.
Keep all your secrets safe with the Password
Journal! The cover stays locked until you say
your secret password, then locks automatically
when you close it. An intruder alarm lets you
know how many people have tried to sneak a
peek without your permission. Once inside you
can activate the show & glow light, alarm, calen-
dar and more simply by talking to Password
NOTE: If you do not wait until the green light is
on, Password Journal will not “hear” your pass-
word and will prompt you to speak again:
“Oops…please begin again”
If your journal identifies with what has been
said, it will ask you to confirm it, for example:
“The date is set as August 12 2005. Is this cor-
rect?”. If you answer “No”, you will need to
begin again. Answering yes will enable you to
proceed to setting the alarm.
Adult supervision is recommended when
installing batteries.
Password Journal will prompt you to repeat
your new password again: “Please repeat your
password”. If you have spoken your password
correctly, it will be accepted: “Password
Once you have set the date, you'll be prompted
to set an alarm.
• Using a screwdriver, loosen the screw until bat-
tery compartment door can be removed.
Password Journal will open automatically once
password setup is success.
Your journal will ask you “Do you want to set
an alarm”, to which you should reply “Yes” or
“No”. If you answer “No”, your journal will then
exit the set up mode.
• Insert (3) AAA batteries (we recommend alka-
line) as indicated inside the battery compart-
HINT: Be sure to speak clearly and say your
password the EXACT same way each time!
When recording your password, make sure you
are in a quiet place. If the Password Journal
does not accept your password after speaking
it clearly, try whispering the password.
• Replace the battery compartment door and
tighten the screw with a screwdriver. Do not
If you answered “Yes”, your journal will ask
“Date or Time alarm?”.
a) If you answered “Date”, your journal will ask
“What month is it?”. You need to speak clearly
the name of the month that you want to set the
alarm for (January - December). Once you have
told the journal what month you want, you will
then be asked to enter the date: “What day is
it? please enter one number at a time, wait for
the beep”. This needs to be entered as a 2 digit
code and you have to wait for a beep to sound
after the first digit before you say the second,
for example if the date is the 24th, you would
enter “2” (beep) “4”. If the date was the 8th,
you would enter “0” (beep) “8”.
You may want to write down your password in
case you forget it - but be sure to write it in a
safe place or it won't be a secret anymore!
Reset Button
If you do not want to set password, ignore
voice instructions until finished. Access but-
ton will automatically open journal.
NOTE: You will have 20 seconds to replace the
old batteries before your password and set-up
information is lost. Should you lose your pass-
word or set-up information, you will need to re-
enter them.
Once you have recorded your password and
opened your journal, you'll need to set the cor-
rect time and date. Please enter the time one
number at a time.
If your journal understands with what has been
said, it will ask you to confirm, for example:
“The alarm is set as September 24. Is this cor-
rect?”. If you answer “No”, you will need to
begin again. Answering yes will exit you from
the set up mode.
Your journal will ask you “Do you want to set your
time”, to which you should reply “Yes” or “No”. If
you answer “No”, your journal will then prompt
you to set the date (see SETTING THE DATE).
• As with all small batteries, the batteries
used with this device should be kept away
from small children who might still put
things in their mouths. If a battery is swal-
lowed, consult a physician immediately.
If you answered “Yes”, your journal will say
“Please enter one number at a time, wait for the
beep”. You will need to set the time as a 4 digit
sequence, so 7am would be entered as 0700:
“0” (beep) “7” (beep) “0” (beep) “0” (beep). If the
time was 1:47pm, you would enter as follows:
“0” (beep) “1” (beep) “4” (beep) “7” (beep).
When the alarm date is reached and the journal
is opened on that date, the alarm will sound for
10 seconds or until 'ACCESS' is pressed.
• Be sure you insert the battery correctly and
always follow the device and battery manu-
facturer's instructions.
b) If you answered “Time”, your journal will say
“Please enter one number at a time, wait for
the beep”. You will need to set the time as a 4
digit sequence, so 7am would be entered as:
“0” (beep) “7” (beep) “0” (beep) “0” (beep) and
3:30pm would be entered as follows: “0” (beep)
“3” (beep) “3” (beep) “0” (beep).
• Do not dispose of batteries in fire.
Note: You must say “zero” for “0”.
• Batteries might leak if improperly installed,
or explode if recharged, disassembled or
After entering the 4 digit of time, Password
Journal prompts to ask you “Is it AM?”. Say
“YES” to set as AM and say “NO” to set as PM.
If your journal identifies with what has been said,
it will ask you to confirm, for example: “The time
is set as 1:47PM. Is it correct?” Answering
• Sometimes, a build-up of static electricity
(from carpets, etc) may cause the game to
stop working. Just reset the game, and it
will work again.
Your journal will then verify the 4 digit code it
has detected by repeating the time back to you
and asking you to confirm, for example “OK.
3:30. Is this correct?”. If you answer “No”, you
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