Renesas Starter Kit for R8C/13
Quick Start
LCD module
Application Board Interface
Reset switch
E8 header
LCD module
E8 emulator
Application Board Interface
Analog adjust
User LEDs
User switches
3. High-performance Embedded Workshop Workspace
High-performance Embedded Workshop integrates various tools such as compiler, assembler, debugger and editor into a common graphical
user interface. To learn more on how to user High-performance Embedded Workshop, open the High-performance Embedded Workshop
manual installed on your computer (Start Menu > All Programs > Renesas > High-performance Embedded Workshop > Manual Navigator).
17. Launch High-performance Embedded Workshop from the Start Menu. (Start Menu > All Programs > Renesas > High-performance
Embedded Workshop > High-performance Embedded Workshop)
18. In the “Welcome” dialog box: Verify “Create New Workspace” is selected. Click <OK>.
19. In the “New Project Workspace” dialog box: Set the “CPU Family” to “M16C”, and verify the “Tool chain” is set to “Renesas M16C
Standard”. Select “RSKR8C13” from the left hand pane.
20. Enter a name for the workspace. The project name will be automatically completed with the Workspace name. You can change this
name to “Tutorial” if required. Click <OK>.
21. On the “RSKR8C13- Step 1” window: Select “Tutorial” and click <Next>.
22. On the “RSKR8C13- Step 2” window: Click <Finish>.
23. On the Project Generator Information window: Click <OK>.
The project that is created has two configurations. The Release configuration can be used for the final release code version. The
Debug configuration allows modifications to the configuration for debugging.
24. Select the Debug build configuration in the left hand drop down list on the toolbar.
25. Click on the “Build” icon to compile, assemble and link the project.
4. Programming and Debug
26. Ensure the “SessionR8C_E8_SYSTEM” session in the right hand drop down list on the toolbar is selected.
27. Click the <Connect> button on the debug toolbar.
28. The “Emulator mode” dialog will be shown. Select the correct device type
(e.g. R5F21134 for RSKR8C13).
Please note that the “Emulator mode” wizard shown here will only
appear the FIRST time you connect to the target within a project. On
subsequent connections the “Emulator setting” dialog will appear,
please choose the same options to connect.
29. Select “Erase Flash and Connect”.
30. If the E8 is to provide power to the CPU board, select “Power Target from
E8” and choose the “5.0V” option.
Otherwise connect a 5V centre positive supply.
31. Click <Next>
32. Ensure the “Enable advanced setting” checkbox is cleared.
33. Click <Next>, then <Finish>.
The first time the E8 is used a warning message box “Please choose
driver” will be shown. Click <OK>.
Otherwise skip to step 37.
34. The “Driver Details” dialog will be shown. Select “Renesas E-Series
USB Driver”.
35. After a short delay while the hardware is interrogated, select “USB
Interface”. The channel number will vary.
36. Click <Close>.
37. Accept any dialogue warning that an older version of E8 firmware is necessary to work with the application. Allow download of firmware
to complete, this may take several seconds.
38. Right click on the download module listed in the left hand pane and
select “Download”.
The code will be downloaded to the microcontroller. This may take
several seconds.
39. Click the <Reset Go> button.
The code will run and you will see the LEDs flash on the board.
40. Click the <Stop> button.
The code will stop and the source code will be opened at the current program counter.
5. Next Step
After you have completed this quick start procedure, please review the tutorial code and sample code that came with the kit. You can add
projects to the current workspace by selecting (Project > Insert Project) from the main menu. The tutorials will help you understand the
device and development process using Renesas Development Tools.
The Hardware manual supplied with this Renesas Starter Kit is current at the time of publication. Please check for any updates to the device
6. Renesas M16C Compiler
The version of the compiler provided with this Renesas Starter Kit is fully functional but time limited. You have 60 days to evaluate the full
product before the compiler will limit the code linker to 64k bytes. Full licensed M16C compiler versions are available from your Renesas
7. Support
Technical Contact Details
Note on Autoupdate: The Autoupdater is configured to automatically add itself to the Startup folder in the Windows Start Menu and use the
registry defaults for access to the web. After restarting the machine the Icon will appear in the System Tray next to the clock. To change the
settings or access Autoupdate simply right-click on the icon and use the menu that appears.
© Renesas Solutions Corporation. 2006.
© Renesas Technology Europe Ltd. 2006.
© Renesas Technology Corporation. 2006.
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